Playful Humans - People Who Play for a Living

A Playful Revolution with Gary Ware: How To Level Up Your Life Through Play

Mike Montague Season 1 Episode 19

Gary Ware is a creative yet strategic Play Consultant that was brought here to make your life even better than it already is. By day, Gary helps companies and professionals level up their skills, and by night he is an improv comedian. In between all of Gary’s passions, his most desirous one is helping people become the best versions of themselves through fun and entertainment. Now that you know that Gary is a real playful human,  hear more about why he created Breakthrough Play.

Find Gary at:

In this episode, you'll hear:

  • The Joke of the Week
  • How our guest plays for a living and helps others do the same
  • How to have the most fun in your life and work
  • If our guest can win the Wheel of Weird in a faceoff with Mike

The show is brought to you by Playful Humans. If you need a little more fun, flow, and fulfillment in your life, join our club where we transform the burned out and bored quantity-seekers into energized and engaged playful humans focused on their quality of life.

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Theme Music:

Chasing the Sunshine by Pink Zebra - Licenced at Envato Elements

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